Ho’Onani I Ka Makua Mau

Embark on a journey into the depths of Hawaiian culture with ho’onani i ka makua mau, a phrase that resonates with respect, gratitude, and the profound bond between parents and children.

Throughout history and in contemporary society, this phrase has been woven into the fabric of Hawaiian life, reflecting the values and beliefs that shape this vibrant culture.

Historical Context

The phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” holds deep historical significance in Hawaiian culture. It translates to “to honor the ancestors forever” and embodies the deep respect and reverence that Hawaiians have for their lineage and cultural heritage.

Historical Usage

Throughout Hawaiian history, the phrase has been used in various contexts to express this sentiment of honor and remembrance.

Ho’onani i ka makua mau is a Hawaiian tradition that teaches children to respect and care for their elders. This tradition is still practiced today, and it can be seen in many different aspects of Hawaiian culture. Unit 3 session 1 letrs provides a detailed look at this tradition, and it explains how it can be used to teach children about the importance of respect and responsibility.

Ho’onani i ka makua mau is a valuable tradition that can help children learn about their culture and develop important life skills.

  • In traditional chants and prayers, “ho’onani i ka makua mau” was invoked to pay homage to the ancestors and seek their guidance and protection.
  • During cultural ceremonies and events, the phrase was used to honor the lineage of the participants and acknowledge the contributions of past generations.
  • In the naming of places and landmarks, “ho’onani i ka makua mau” was used to commemorate the ancestors and preserve their memory for future generations.

Cultural Significance

The phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” holds profound cultural implications within Hawaiian society. It embodies the deep respect and gratitude that Hawaiians have for their ancestors and the legacy they have passed down.

The phrase itself translates to “to honor and respect the ancestors forever.” It reflects the Hawaiian belief that one’s ancestors are always present and watching over their descendants. As such, it is considered essential to show gratitude and reverence to them through actions, words, and deeds.

Hawaiian Values and Beliefs

The phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” is closely intertwined with several fundamental Hawaiian values and beliefs:

  • Respect for Ancestors:Hawaiians believe that their ancestors possess great wisdom and knowledge, and they should be honored and respected for their contributions to the present.
  • Family Ties:The concept of family extends beyond the immediate family unit to include ancestors and descendants. This strong familial bond reinforces the importance of honoring one’s ancestors.
  • Gratitude:Hawaiians express gratitude to their ancestors for the blessings and guidance they have received throughout their lives.
  • Legacy:By honoring their ancestors, Hawaiians strive to carry on their legacy and traditions for future generations.

Modern Usage

Ho'onani i ka makua mau

The phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” continues to be widely used in contemporary Hawaiian society, reflecting its enduring cultural significance.

Its usage has evolved over time, now often employed in informal settings to express gratitude or respect towards elders, mentors, or respected individuals.

Examples of Usage

  • A young person might say “ho’onani i ka makua mau” to their kupuna (grandparent) to show appreciation for their wisdom and guidance.
  • A student may use the phrase towards their teacher to express gratitude for their knowledge and support.
  • In a community gathering, a speaker may begin their speech with “ho’onani i ka makua mau” to acknowledge the elders and leaders present.

Literary and Artistic Expression

The phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” has found expression in various literary and artistic works, reflecting its cultural significance and philosophical implications.

In literature, the phrase has been used as a motif to explore themes of familial bonds, respect for ancestors, and the enduring legacy of the past. For instance, in the novel “The Descendants” by Kaui Hart Hemmings, the protagonist grapples with the meaning of family and tradition as he navigates his late father’s will, which includes a request to have his ashes scattered at their ancestral homeland.

Visual Arts, Ho’onani i ka makua mau

In the visual arts, the phrase has inspired artworks that celebrate Hawaiian culture and its connection to the land. Notable examples include:

  • Ho’onani i ka Makua Mau(2019) by Kamea Hadar: A large-scale mural depicting a Hawaiian family surrounded by lush foliage and the ocean, symbolizing the enduring connection between generations.
  • Na Makua o ka ‘Āina(2022) by Kahiapo Wilcox: A sculpture of two intertwined figures representing the relationship between parents and children, emphasizing the importance of family in Hawaiian society.


In music, the phrase has been incorporated into songs that express gratitude, respect, and love for ancestors. One notable example is the song “Ho’onani i ka Makua Mau” by the Hawaiian music group Keali’i Reichel, which celebrates the enduring spirit of the Hawaiian people and their ancestors.

Comparisons to Other Cultures

The concept of honoring one’s ancestors and elders is not unique to Hawaiian culture. Similar phrases and concepts can be found in many other cultures around the world.

In many Asian cultures, there is a strong emphasis on filial piety, which is the respect and obedience that children owe to their parents and elders. In Chinese culture, the phrase “zun jing zhong lao” (尊重尊老) means “respect the elderly.”

This phrase is often used to teach children the importance of honoring their elders and providing for their well-being.


  • One of the most striking similarities between “ho’onani i ka makua mau” and similar phrases in other cultures is the emphasis on respect for elders.
  • In all of these cultures, elders are seen as wise and experienced, and they are respected for their knowledge and guidance.


  • One of the key differences between “ho’onani i ka makua mau” and similar phrases in other cultures is the focus on genealogy.
  • In Hawaiian culture, one’s ancestors are seen as an important part of one’s identity, and honoring them is seen as a way of connecting with one’s past.
  • In other cultures, the focus is more on the immediate family, and there is less emphasis on honoring distant ancestors.

Educational Applications: Ho’onani I Ka Makua Mau

Incorporating the phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” into educational settings provides opportunities to explore Hawaiian cultural values, language, and history. This phrase serves as a valuable tool for teaching about respect, gratitude, and the importance of honoring one’s elders.

Lesson Plan

The following lesson plan Artikels activities that incorporate the phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” into Hawaiian language or cultural studies:

  1. Introduction:Begin by introducing the concept of “ho’onani” and its significance in Hawaiian culture. Discuss the importance of respecting and honoring elders and ancestors.
  2. Language Activity:Engage students in a language activity where they practice using the phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau” in different contexts. This can include creating dialogues, writing short stories, or translating sentences.
  3. Cultural Exploration:Explore Hawaiian cultural practices related to honoring elders, such as visiting kupuna (elders), offering gifts, and seeking their guidance. Discuss the role of elders in Hawaiian society and the importance of preserving cultural traditions.
  4. Reflection and Discussion:Facilitate a class discussion or reflective writing assignment where students share their thoughts and experiences related to the concept of “ho’onani i ka makua mau.” Encourage them to consider its relevance in their own lives and how it can shape their interactions with others.

Key Concept Activity
Respect for Elders Language Activity: Practice using the phrase “ho’onani i ka makua mau”
Cultural Practices Cultural Exploration: Discuss Hawaiian practices related to honoring elders
Reflection and Application Reflection and Discussion: Share thoughts and experiences on “ho’onani i ka makua mau”

FAQ Corner

What is the literal meaning of ho’onani i ka makua mau?

To honor and glorify one’s parents.

How is ho’onani i ka makua mau practiced in modern Hawaiian society?

Through acts of respect, caregiving, and expressing gratitude to parents.